Wyatt joined Troop 17 in 2011. He has been a very active in the troop and district since joining.
Wyatt finished his Eagle in February 2016 after earning 37 merit badges – enough badges for his Bronze, Gold, and Silver Palms. Some of the merit badges included Kayaking, Energy, and Radio.
Wyatt’s leadership positions include Den Chief, Quartermaster, Patrol Leader, Instructor, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. In 2013, he was elected by his fellow scouts to the Order of the Arrow, scouting’s organization for scout honor campers. Subsequently he has earned higher recognition by achieving the Order’s Brotherhood honor. Wyatt has also been active in the Pathfinder District’s OA Chapter as a member of the ceremonial team, Ordeal Chairman in 2015, and Brotherhood Chairman in 2016. Among his other accomplishments while with the Ceremonial team, he earned 1st place individual Nutiket for Ordeal, 1st place Nutiket for Brotherhood in 2016 and was awarded the Pathfinder Arrowman of the Year award in 2016. He has also performed the Four Winds Ceremony, an Eagle Scout Ceremony performed by the Order of the Arrow Ceremonial team.
Wyatt has 180 nights camping with the troop and has attended five long term summer camps. In 2015, he was a member of a backpacking trek with our troop at Philmont Scout Ranch – scouting’s high adventure ranch in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeast New Mexico. Wyatt has also been awarded the top Honor Camper in 2011 and 2014, Troop 17’s award for the Scout of the Year.
Wyatt’s Eagle project consisted of identifying 367 Veterans buried at Valhalla Cemetery. This consisted of searching over 3000 names from the cemetery in the multitude of databases containing service records. Wyatt plays piano and enjoys playing chess as a member of the En Passant Chess club. He attended Ladue Horton Watkins High School.
Wyatt Arnold —
Leader… Order of the Arrow… Outdoorsman… Honor Camper… Eagle Scout