Leadership is the quality that Steve Madison has consistently demonstrated throughout his Scouting career.
This first became evident shortly after he joined the troop, when Steve recruited his older brother — a rather remarkable and unique feat since Scouts usually recruit their younger not older brothers.
When he became a Patrol Leader of the Hawk Patrol at the age of thirteen, Steve surprised everyone by immediately winning the pre-camporee. As the youngest and newest Patrol Leader at the time, Steve then proved it was not mere luck or circumstance and repeated it by coming in first at the spring camporee a month later. At that time his patrol finished on top of all the competing patrols in the Midland District.
Steve served as an excellent Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader for almost two years. During that time Steve distinguished himself as one of the most popular SPLs in recent years. In recognition of the fine job he was doing and as an investment in his talent for motivating others, Steve was selected for further leadership development and was awarded a scholarship for the National Junior Leader Training Course at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico.
Through the years, Steve has accumulated many honors — having been an Honor Camper twice, holding the Troop Leadership Cocade, and being elected to the Order of the Arrow. He also has received the Nawakwa Service Award and Perfect Attendance Ribbon.
Steve was elected Head Baker, the president of Troop XVII’s unique older boys group, and held the office of Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
It is hoped that Steve will be able to find time to continue to assist us with the personality and leadership with which he has provided us through the years.
Steve Madison —
Scouter… Leader… Honor Camper… Order of the Arrow… Baker… Eagle Scout