Uniform Item Description Scout Shop Item Troop Item Cost
Shirt Long-sleeve poplin X   $34.99
Pants Canvas cargo X   $24.99
Socks Knee length X   $11.49
Web Belt and Buckle   X   $19.99
Shoulder Epaulets   X X  
Scout Pocket Knife (Totin’ Chip required)   X   $29.99
Troop Unit Numeral     X $5.00
Neckerchief   X   $12.99
Neckerchief Slide     X $3.00
Name Tag     X $5.00
Campaign Hat* Brown Felt X   $139.99

*May source equivalent elsewhere

There are two nearby Scout Shops:

  • 13347 Manchester Rd. in Des Peres – 984-0014
  • 4568 West Pine Blvd. in St. Louis – 454-1652

or shop online at scoutshop.org

Prices are approximate as of August, 2022