- Line up your patrol and stand facing them. Do not start talking until you are sure you’ve got their attention. If necessary, bring them to attention, then stand them at ease or let them squat.
- If you have been given written instructions to pass on, read them out loud to the patrol. Read slowly. Keep glancing up in case anyone’s attention is wandering. Never allow anyone to peer over your shoulder.
- When you have put all your scouts “in the picture”, give each one a definite job to do. If you can hand him his part of the instruction in writing, so much the better.
- When you start working, remember that you are responsible for five or six pairs of hands — not just one. If you become too deeply involved in the actual work yourself, you may immobilise yourself as a leader. Keep your own hands in your pockets until you see that every other pair of hands in the patrol is busy — then you can join in. In other words, being your own hands into action LAST.
- When working with the patrol, try to occupy a position that will enable you to keep an eye on the work of the others.
Other Helpful Hints:
- Never give an order unless you are certain it will be carried out
- Then, always check to be sure that it was carried out
- Never give unnecessary orders
- Be sure that you know the results that you want.
- Your instructions should be as brief as possible, clear as daylight
- Select the right person for the job
- Check for understanding
- Check for progress. Either make periodic inspections of the work-in-process or have the person check back with you.