Andres, who also goes by Andy, joined Troop 17 on February 24th, 2011. He transferred from Troop 285, in San Antonio, TX. He has been very active in our troop and district since joining our organization. 

Andy transferred in as a Star Scout and earned his Life rank one year later. Andy finished his Eagle in October, 2013 while earning 44 merit badges – enough badges for his Bronze, Gold, Silver, and second Bronze Palm. Some of the merit badges he earned are not common. These include American Cultures, Archaeology, Electricity, and Space Exploration. 

Andy’s leadership position was being a Patrol Leader and he is currently a member of the Leadership Corps. In 2010, he was elected by his fellow scouts to the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society. Subsequently he has earned higher recognition by achieving the Order’s Brotherhood honor. Andy has also been active in the Pathfinder District’s OA Chapter as the Summer Camp Promotion Coordinator and is the Elangomat Chairman. The E!angomat, from the Lenape word meaning friend or family member, heads a crew of candidates during the Ordeal, and follows up in the ten months following to encourage their participation in the Lodge and prepare them for Brotherhood conversion. 

Andy has over 40 camping nights with the troop, has attended three long-term summer camps and one summer at the Guajataka (gwa-ha-taka) Boy Scout Camp in Puerto Rico. Andy earned the Mile Swim his first summer camp with the troop. He also did the Mile Swim while in Puerto Rico.  The summer of 2012, he was a member of a 63 mile backpacking trek with the troop at Philmont Scout Ranch – scouting’s premier high adventure ranch in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeast New Mexico. Prior to coming to our troop, Andy participated on four long-term summer camps in Lost Pines in Bastrop, TX and Wehinahpay Mountain Camp in Sacramento, New Mexico. 

Andy’s Eagle project consisted of the refurbishment of the YMCA Community Literacy Center. This Center is mainly used by adults that need to complete their GED examination and by immigrants that are preparing to take the required test to become U.S. citizens. The center was in disrepair after many years of heavy use and lack of funding. It was poorly lit, the carpet was stained and worn, and the walls damaged and unpainted – it needed major help and Andy delivered it as a result of his Eagle Scout project. He organized Scouts and other volunteers for this project that took over 150 man-hours to complete; and a major fund raising effort that generated close to $3,000 to have the massive project done. The work included wall repairs, a new coat of paint, wood staining and improved lighting in the bathroom, carpet removal, and floor preparation for new carpets. Without Andy’s help, the Center would have needed close to $10,000 to complete all of the work that the project delivered. This made for a more inviting environment. During the process, the center received additional help, and Staples donated and installed new computers, desks, TV monitors and supplies. Andy received a Proclamation from the CEO and President of the YMCA of Greater Saint Louis. 

At the time of Eagle presentation, Andy was a Senior at Ladue Horton Watkins High School and was deciding among studies in Law, Business, or the Medical Field. 

Andy Rodriguez —

Leader… Order of the Arrow… Outdoorsman … Commtmity Volunteer… Eagle Scout