Robert David Barnes, Bobby as he is called by his friends, started his Scouting career in 1976 when he joined Troop 9 in Stamford, Connecticut. In June of the following year his family moved back to St. Louis and he became a part of the ongoing tradition of Barnes’ in Troop 17. His father, three uncles, a cousin, and younger brother have all been members of the troop. Four of them achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
So the standard of achievement had been set. The goals were high and the road to success was paved with challenge. It was apparent from the beginning that Bobby was a winner. His own standards were demanding and he had developed self-discipline at an early age. He was not swayed by cliques or fads, but pursued meaningful objectives.
In his first summer camp at S-F Scout Ranch, Bobby made his mark with the other Scouts. He passed four merit badges and five skill awards, advancing in rank to Second Class and finished second in the overall competition for the honor Camper Award. It was also noticed by his peers and adult leaders that he was ready for additional responsibility. By the end of summer camp he had earned the position of Assistant Patrol Leader.
In April of ’78 he became patrol leader of the Stag Patrol. Here Bobby showed remarkable leadership skills, not so much what he could do for himself, but what he could do for others. He developed a winning team — a patrol that was noted for excellence. Advancement, cooperation, and pride were its characteristics. Bobby was also recognized as the outstanding Honor Camper for 1978, passing six merit badges and advancing to the rank of Star Scout.
By 1979 Bobby had arrived. His Stag Patrol took first place in the Midland District Camporee, he was elected to the Baker organization, became a member of the Order of the Arrow and Brotherhood, completed the Junior Leader Training Course and was elected permanent patrol leader. He was then appointed Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.
Bobby has developed a winning attitude about himself and those around him. He has put his time to good use and spent it wisely. His accomplishments in Scouting are not unfounded. In school he is an honor student, served on the student council, and has been elected captain of his football and hockey teams.
Bobby Barnes —
Leader… Honor Camper… Order of the Arrow… Athlete… Scholar… Baker… Eagle Scout