Awarded to Seventeeners who have attained the highest scores throughout the year by attending meeting, Troop events, summer camp and other scout activities during the contest. The Scout must satisfy Scoutmaster that he has the camping ability, achieved significant advancement, actively participated in his patrol and Troop activities, and has shown a strong desire to be of service to others. Scout must be First Class to wear the award.
Must be a member of an honor patrol at a camporee. Participate in at least one other council activity during the year. Take part in any special assignments from HQ when asked to do so. Must be at least First Class.
Awarded to Scouts who have been inducted into the Bakers, a fraternal organization that is no longer active and named after our ninth Scoutmaster, John Pope Baker II. Shall have been an active member of the Troop for at least one year; shall have attained the rank of First Class Scout; must show courage, initiative, outstanding camping practice, leadership, and spirit of a true Seventeener; must adhere to the Scout Oath and Laws.
Awarded to Scouts inducted into the Ordeal membership of the O.A., a national brotherhood of Scout honor campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and who have proven themselves to be good and unselfish campers. First Class Scout.
Has completed an approved week-long NYLT training course given by either the St. Louis Area Council or Philmont Scout Ranch.
Awarded to scouts who demonstrate their commitment to serve their troop and patrol in out-of-doors activities on a consistent and regular basis over an extended period of time. To be considered, the scout must have attended three years of long-term summer camp, 20 troop overnights, six district camporees and completed Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, Orienteering, and Pioneering or Wilderness Survival merit badges. Star Scout.
Actively serve as a Den chief or other recognized position in Cub Pack for twelve months. First Class Scout.
Has completed a troop or council trek of at least ten days at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. First Class Scout.
Worn in lieu of a religious service award by Seventeeners who have earned the religious ward of their individual faith (God & Country, Ad Alterei Dei, Ner Tamid).
Awarded for exemplary attendance at Troop functions (including meetings, campouts, and other activities) during the year. Normally recipients should be number one attendance-wise and have a perfect record at troop meetings. First Class Scout.
Troop ribbons are to be worn centered directly above the left shirt pocket seam. Ribbons will be arranged in order from right to left and from top to bottom rows in the following order:
Honor Camper
Honor Patrol, Baker, Order of the Arrow
NYLT, Field Service, Cub Service,
Philmont, Religious Award, Attendance
Awarded for leadership excellence. Scout must actively serve in a Troop leadership position of Patrol Leader or above for one year or more. A leadership position alone will not qualify one to wear the award. Must exemplify the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. Actively participate in the troop camping program — two summers at summer camp and three camporees. Honor Patrol. Honor Camper. Star Scout.
Centered on the right pocket for attendance at annual summer camp.
Black stripe = 1 year; Green stripe = 3 years; Blue stripe = five years.
Years may be mixed to added up to total years.
Worn top to bottom — black stripe, green stripe, blue stripe.
No more than four chevrons may be worn.
*A small star affixed to the center of the ribbon.