Eric joined Troop 17 in 2000 after receiving his Arrow of Light from the Cub Pack 489 at Conway Grade School.
Eric was a member of Troop 17 for many years where he served in several leadership positions including Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, Instructor, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader (the troop’s highest boy leadership position) and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
In the October of 2003 at the fall camporee, Eric led his Hawk patrol to Honor Patrol status — placing second among all the patrols in the entire Pathfinder District.
Eric’s outdoors activities have included attending five years of the troop’s annual summer camp and in 2003, he was a member of Troop Seventeen’s ten-scout contingent to Philmont, BSA’s national high adventure camp in the mountains of New Mexico – an adventure he repeated in 2005. In 2003, Eric was elected by his fellow scouts to the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s national society for scout honor campers.
He is also a member of the Bakers, Troop Seventeen’s unique older boys organization and has completed the Mile Swim.
For his Eagle project, Eric led several scouts in planning, organizing and executing the painting of Salem Methodist Church’s Fellowship Hall which is the troop’s meeting area. This job entailed plastering, painting the walls and trim, and clean up. To accomplish this, Eric arranged funding, bought materials, organized manpower, oversaw the work and helped execute the painting. He was helped by a group of Troop Seventeen scouts, Scott Ramsey, and his father. It was a big job that required extensive planning and help from his troop.
As a senior at St. Louis University High School, Eric maintained at least a B average in his schoolwork all four years. He has achieved second honors at SLUH in both his first and last quarters there. Eric has been accepted at Kansas State University and plans to study electrical engineering and architectural engineering. He often works part-time for his father in his electrical engineering consulting business and also at a sandwich shop in the Galleria.
Eric has also been active in community service projects. In addition to participating in five Eagle projects for others, he has done volunteer work for the Human Society and Loyola Academy, a non profit middle school in St. Louis that is designed to help underprivileged kids achieve well in high school and rise out of poverty with a desire to help others do the same.
At SLUH Eric has participated in many sports including JV wrestling, racquetball, and every year has been a member of the SLUH tennis team. He was also on the SLUH racquetball and tennis teams.
Eric Fiedler —
Honor Patrol… Order of the Arrow… Baker… Athlete… Community Volunteer… Eagle Scout