Your son is about to become a member of the greatest boy movement in the world and participate in one of the best Scout troops in the country. The intention of this letter is to convey some basic information about our troop and how we operate. Troop meetings are every Wednesday night at Salem United Methodist Church beginning at 6:30 and ending around 8:00. Please have your son there a few minutes early so that he can meet new friends and still be ready when the meeting starts. Should a Scout wear his uniform on a campout? The answer is no except on special occasions like a Camporee or summer camp. Since camping is sometimes dusty or muddy, we feel that we should avoid excess wear and tear on the uniform. What equipment should your son bring? The Scout Handbook contains clothes and personal equipment lists. Most of the time, the Patrols prepare their menu and provide the food for the campout at a nominal cost, but occasionally your son will need to bring his own meals. WHAT YOUR SON CAN EXPECT FROM OUR TROOP We hope a full Scouting program wherein he can learn the scouting skills and have a good time. There will be hikes, campouts and other activities. We plan at least one outdoor activity per month — usually weekend camping trips. We also attend a long-term summer camp each year at scouting facilities including S-F Scout Ranch near Farmington. On these outings, they will learn many skills but, best of all, will be the fellowship and the friendships they will make with other Scouts. An opportunity to experience leadership commensurate with his experience, interest, and available opportunities. He’ll learn to teach and lead other Scouts. We encourage our Scouts to plan and run their own program with guidance from the adult leaders. Adult leaders act as coaches in Troop 17. They are there to help the Scouts develop their social and leadership skills and act as a source of advice. Adults are present at every troop function to ensure that activities are properly run and supervised. We hope we can live up to his and your high expectations and we will do what we can to help him do it for himself. WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOUR SON We expect him to do his best to live according to the Scout Oath & Law, to follow the rules and to respect and obey his leaders so that something can be accomplished at troop meetings and campouts. We expect him to advance along the trail to Eagle. We want him to feel that he is accomplishing something and the advancement ranks are a visible indication of his progress. If he applies himself, he can even earn a place on that long list of Seventeeners who have achieved Scouting’s highest rank — Eagle Scout. We expect regular participation. This is a must if he is to get the most out of Scouting. Boys who are ambitious and active are the ones who have the most rewarding Scouting experiences. We expect and encourage his participation in sports and other school and religious activities (most of our Scouts do) so long as it has minimal impact on his attendance on Wednesdayday night, the troop’s meeting night. We are as proud of our Scout troop as any coach is of his team. We expect him to wear his Scout uniform. A Scout in uniform is proud of his Troop, is better behaved, and feels better about himself. Does anyone compete on a football or baseball team or participate in the band without a complete and correct uniform? Of course not. We have equally high standards of excellence. WHAT WE EXPECT FROM MOM AND DAD Our staff consists of a Scoutmaster, several Assistant Scoutmasters, numerous experienced older Scouts, and a committee of parents and alumni to oversee the whole program. Although we are rich and deep in leadership, we do expect help from time to time such as transportation to and from various events or, perhaps, providing a cake at a Court of Honor. If you would like to participate in a leadership or support capacity, you should speak to the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman to let them know of your interest so that when an opening exists you are sure to be considered. It is necessary for you to be present when your son receives his advancements in rank and other awards at our Courts of Honor. The Scouts work hard to achieve their awards and it is important that their parents show an interest in their progress and accomplishments. Each Scout progresses along the trail to Eagle Scout at his own rate but encouragement at home is very important. It takes money to run a Scout Troop and maintain our equipment. Our principal source of revenue is the manufacture and sale of our unique hat presses. This provides most of the funds we need but dues are also needed. These are assessed annually and cover, for example, such items as badges awarded, activity fees, and Boy’s Life Magazine. IN CONCLUSION As a result of his time with Troop Seventeen, we sincerely hope your son learns a lot, attains a high rank, makes lots of friends, has a healthy experience, and a becomes a better citizen. |