Leadership has been the quality that has characterized Philip’s Scouting career. Philip just naturally takes charge. Joining Troop 17 in the spring of 1995, it wasn’t long before Philip was stepping up to run games and was often out front in troop meetings although he was one of the younger scouts. When leadership was required, Philip was there.
By the end of 1997, Philip was a First Class Scout with three years of summer camp, served as a Den Chief, attended the council’s Junior Leader Training Camp and had been elected into the Order of the Arrow.
In 1998, he became a Patrol Leader, then a Troop Instructor, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for over a year before beginning his term as Senior Patrol Leader in 2001. He was subsequently appointed to the office of Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. Once again, Philip took charge. Philip’s term was characterized as a time of strong leadership, direction, activity, and growth. Popular, strong and sensitive, Philip held the Troop Leadership Cocade, emblematic of his successful key leadership roles.
Philip was also among the ten Seventeeners who hiked Philmont in the summer of 2000.
Philip’s Eagle service project consisted of directing a dozen scouts in clearing a wooded area at the Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church.
Philip’s outside activities included the Youth Bell Choir at Ladue Chapel, the MICDS Jazz, Concert and Pep bands and a Fair St. Louis volunteer.
In sports, Philip was on the MICDS Golf team and the only member to qualify for the state tournament in 2002. As the quarterback and co-captain of the Junior Varsity Football team, he led the team to an undefeated season and in 2001 was selected for the first annual varsity Coach’s award for leadership.
Philip is also an accomplished skier and snowboarder.
In the Troop, Philip holds the Honor Camper, attendance and Field Service ribbons and is a member of the Bakers, Troop Seventeen’s unique older boys organization where he served as the Head Baker, or President.
Philip was on the honor roll at MICDS.
Philip attended Syracuse University majoring in business management.
Philip Henderson —
Honor Camper… Order of the Arrow… Baker… Leader… Athlete… Eagle Scout